British – Gmap Immigration Study Abroad - Free Counseling, Colleges, Courses - Apply Now! Thu, 02 Nov 2023 09:01:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:00:54 +0000 In today’s world, education is crucial to determining one’s destiny. Nonetheless, for many students, particularly those from low-income homes, the expense of education can be a significant barrier. Each month, expenses like tuition, books, living expenses for students, and food can total thousands of dollars.

Scholarships help students overcome this difficulty by enabling them to follow their goals without worrying about the financial repercussions. But getting a scholarship is a difficult task that needs dedication and hard work.

We’ll look at some advice today that can increase your chances of receiving a scholarship.

Start your applications early.

One of the most important strategies for improving your chances of receiving a scholarship is to get started as soon as possible. To give yourself enough time for each procedure, schedule when you want to submit your applications and work backward from the deadlines.

This schedule should take into consideration the time needed to find and apply for scholarships that fit your needs, gather the necessary supporting documents, such as transcripts, test results, and letters of recommendation, and write and edit your personal statement.

By getting started early, you can make sure that your application is complete and accurate and address any potential issues or challenges that might come up along the entire process.

Be sure to carefully adhere to the rules and instructions.

It’s crucial to thoroughly adhere to the requirements and directions of a scholarship application after locating prospective awards. You must carefully read and comprehend the instructions before submitting your application.

For instance, although some scholarship applications may have a word limit, others may require specified documents, such as transcripts or letters of recommendation. Similarly, if the application specifies a particular font or double spacing, make sure you follow the formatting guidelines to avoid losing points.

In order to ensure that you follow the directions exactly, it is crucial to take the time to read, learn, and thoroughly comprehend them.

Make Your Personal Statement Stand Out

One of the crucial components of your scholarship application is the personal statement. You have the opportunity to highlight your personality, experiences, and reasons for pursuing your educational goals at this time.

Start by outlining your key points and providing a tale that will appeal to the scholarship committee in order to write a powerful personal statement. Instead than just telling people about your strengths and accomplishments, it’s crucial to show them.

Provide specific instances of challenges you’ve solved or relate a period when you had to juggle employment and school rather than just saying that you’re a hard worker.

Apply for Multiple Scholarships

Consider the scholarship’s goals and principles at all times, and explain how you live up to them.

Your chances of receiving financial aid for study can be increased by submitting multiple scholarship applications. It’s crucial to keep in mind that scholarships are competitive, so you might not be accepted to every one for which you apply.

As a result, it makes sense to apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible for. Create a list of the scholarships that fit your criteria and note the prerequisites and submission dates for each.

Also, it gives you more possibilities, which means you might receive multiple smaller scholarships rather than one larger one. This could help you pay for a wider range of costs, including groceries, office supplies, and housing while you are a student. Although it takes more time and work, it might be a good investment in your education.


Our goal in writing this post is to provide advice on how to increase your chances of receiving a scholarship. Everyone who needs money to finish their education should apply for scholarships, even though it can be difficult. So always remember to give it your all and put your best foot forward.

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BEST TIPS TO GET AN INTERNSHIP IN UK Tue, 31 Oct 2023 06:48:39 +0000 Short-term job possibilities for students include internships, also referred to as summer internships, while they are enrolled in undergraduate courses. Together with the professional experience needed in their particular industry, they offer the necessary skills. Internships might be local or online. Students occasionally mix up internships with work placements. Despite the fact that work placements count towards the degree, students still obtain academic credit for the year. Internships in the UK are plentiful, packed with prospects for study and long-term employment, and open to international students. You may be more likely to receive pre-placement offers if the company appreciates your work and is pleased with your experience. In order to expose students to the industry, several programmes also require an integrated internship as part of the coursework.

Why Should International Students Opt For Internships?

  • Improves CV or resume of a student: Employers frequently favour applicants with prior experience in the sector. Internships for students help them advance their careers by giving them a competitive edge and the appropriate industry exposure. Also, it gives students an advantage over their competitors when applying for jobs with businesses.
  • Added Income: Students can supplement their income by participating in a paid internship. Following education, it aids in obtaining job permits.
  • A Field to Consider: Students who participate in internships can learn about the industry and determine whether they want to work there after graduation. Furthermore, it can assist students in selecting their master’s degree programmes.
  • Enhance Skill Set: The technical and soft skills necessary for job advancement can both be improved through internships.
  • Student networking involves meeting new individuals and developing close relationships with them. They will learn about various work ethics among the intern group and build their network as a result. Also, it offers you some beneficial industry contacts.
  • A full-time employment offer may be extended to any student whose performance is deemed excellent by UK firms. Students must establish positive relationships with their coworkers, be enthusiastic, express gratitude, and leave a positive first impression.

Universities Offering Paid Internships in The UK for International Students

  • Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
  • Coventry University, Central London
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Salford
  • University of Glasgow
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Loughborough University
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Manchester Metropolitan University

Tips for Finding Internships in the UK for International Students

  • The site is primarily focused on facilitating professional networking. Pages and Groups on LinkedIn. Students can boost their careers on LinkedIn by joining a number of sites and groups. Every so often, they provide internship alternatives. With the help of LinkedIn, students can look for internships in the UK.
  • Student search and application resources for internships include a number of portals in the UK. Here are a few of the portals:
  • TARGET Jobs: The platform’s professionals can provide them career counselling as well as internship opportunities.
  • Summer internships that are just a few weeks long are available. The platform offers both full- and part-time employment.
  • You can locate internships here at Rate My Placement for students. Also, the platform responds to any query about locating one. Also, you can acquire techniques for thriving in the internship.

How to apply for Internships in the UK for International Students?

The average summer internship lasts two to three months, which is sufficient time to obtain a feel for the position and develop skills. But, they can also vary in length from a week to a year, depending on the employer and the industry.

Paid internships in the UK should pay at least the National Minimum Wage for your age bracket. Nonetheless, an intern is entitled to compensation, save under the following circumstances:

  • Working for non-profit organisations
  • When it is a requirement for a higher education programme, work shadowing
  • If interacting with the Department of Employment and Pensions (DWP)


The internship is a brief period of work experience provided to national and international students by various industries. In some courses, an internship is a mandatory component of the study plan. It assists students in developing useful technical and soft skills. It’s also challenging to find a solid job after graduating. Internships in the UK can provide international students an advantage during job interviews. And it never hurts to make a little extra cash through an internship!


Is there a maximum age for applicants to internships in the UK?

The typical age range for internships for college students is 18 to 25 years old. Check the age restriction before applying if you are a mature student or wish to look into alternative job prospects.

Can prior work experience in the field count for an internship?

Companies do not demand previous work experience from pupils. They’ll be on the lookout for any skills you acquired while earning your degree. Also, your soft talents are more important than your technical abilities. However, some internships need applicants to have a certain amount of prior experience; for example, if you are applying for internships as a graphic designer, you probably need knowledge of Adobe Illustrator.

What are the best internship programmes that UK institutions provide to students from India?

International Fashion Management
International Marketing
Biotechnology with Professional Experience
Molecular Biology with Professional Experience
Digital Marketing
PR and Consulting
Pharmacology and Drug Discovery with Professional Experience
International Hospitality Management
International Tourism Management
International Events Management
International Tourism
Hospitality Management

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